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Niche Sites, No More 🚫

After attending Affiliate Gathering in York i’ve come away with some fresh ideas and a new approach to making money online.

By: Alex Cooper



I just got back from Affiliate Gathering 2024.

I met loads of really interesting and smart people who shared lots of juicy golden nuggets of advice regarding making money online.

One of the biggest takeaways, from Mads Singers in particular, was that we’ve got to stop thinking about websites and SEO and move on to thinking about online as a business.

This means things like:

  • Generating traffic from lots of sources not just Google
  • Using paid ads
  • Collecting email addresses
  • Creating funnels and using them to maximize the value of each visitor
  • Creating and selling our own products or drop shipping other peoples
  • and much more

So, I’m going to be making some changes to the cost that I publish on WP Eagle.

There will still be lots of WordPress content as I believe that WordPress is still a great platform to build an online business on.

I am, however, going to be moving away from Niche Website focused content.

Instead, I’ll be creating content around Online Business in general which include things like:

  • Email marketing
  • Creating rich content like video
  • Social media strategy
  • E-commerce
  • Dropshipping
  • and loads more

I really hope you’ll like the new stuff I’m going to be putting out.

What kind of content do you want? 🫵

I’d love to know the sort of content you’d like me to create for you.

Let me know in the comments. I read all the comments I get and will take onboard all of your ideas and suggestions

About Our Content Creators

The content creators at WP Eagle are led by Alex Cooper who has over 18 years experience in WordPress and building websites.

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