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Is Linkedin Worth it?

As website owner and affiliate marketeer, is Linkedin Actually worth spending time on?

By: Alex Cooper



Is LINKEDIN worth it?

Yes. LinkedIn is worth investing some time and energy on, even if you’re not part of the corporate rat-race.

I recently discovered the value of LinkedIn, a platform that I had previously neglected.

As a content creator with niche websites and a YouTube channel, I always thought LinkedIn was only useful for those in corporate environments looking for jobs.

However, I realized it is worth updating my profile and sharing content on the platform.

Key Takeaways

  • LinkedIn is a valuable platform for content creators with niche websites and YouTube channels.
  • Updating your LinkedIn profile and sharing content can be beneficial for link-building and managing contacts.
  • Having a relevant and up-to-date LinkedIn profile is essential for making a good impression on journalists (for HARO) and potential connections.

The Value of LinkedIn

As a YouTuber and niche website owner, I thought LinkedIn was only useful for corporate environments and job seekers.

However, after attending the Search Birmingham event, I discovered LinkedIn has more value than I initially thought.

Link-Building Booster

LinkedIn can be used to help with your link building, especially when responding to HARO (Help a Reporter Out) requests. Journalists often check out the LinkedIn profiles of those who respond to their requests, and having an up-to-date and relevant profile can increase your chances of being chosen for a quote or link.

Network Management

Secondly, LinkedIn is a great platform for managing contacts and connections made at events. People often ask to connect on LinkedIn after meeting, and having a high-quality profile can leave a positive impression and potentially lead to future collaborations.

Overall, I believe updating and maintaining a quality LinkedIn profile is worthwhile, regardless of your industry or profession. It can provide opportunities for link-building and networking, and it is always better to be prepared for potential collaborations and connections.

What do you think? 🤔

Do you use Linkedin? Have you been keeping your profile up-to-date and making new connections on the platform? I’d love to know – leave me a comment below!

About Our Content Creators

The content creators at WP Eagle are led by Alex Cooper who has over 18 years experience in WordPress and building websites.

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