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Estepona.Life is Live! (at last!)

I’ve finally managed to get my new project online. Now the work really starts as I need to consistently add new content!

By: Alex Cooper




After many, many hours of work i’ve got my new project, Estepona.Life, to a point where I’m happy to make it live!

I’m really happy with how it’s coming together. It’s looking good!

Estepona life trimmed scaled

The site was built with Popcorn Theme.

It’s now time to promote it!

To get some traffic, I’m going to be doing the following:

  • Submit to Google search console (I’m hoping to rank quite quickly as it’s quite low competition)
  • Email the 50 subs I already have
  • Let everyone know on social (over 1000 followers across all platforms)
  • Run facebook ads to sell some t-shirts

I would love for you to take a look at the site and let me know if you spot anything wrong.

Or maybe you have some general feedback or ideas, i’d love to hear that too! Leave me a comment below 🙂

About Our Content Creators

The content creators at WP Eagle are led by Alex Cooper who has over 18 years experience in WordPress and building websites.

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