Amazon – WP Eagle WordPress Eagle by Alex Cooper Thu, 16 May 2024 07:59:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Amazon – WP Eagle 32 32 Amazon are BANNING Affiliates! Wed, 31 Jan 2024 20:02:17 +0000

Did you get this email?

Amazon Email sm

It’s always a bad sign when Amazon sends a ‘reminder‘ about terms and conditions.

It means they’re probably on the lookout for affiliates breaking the rules.

…and this appears to be the case as there have been reports of peoples being banned for breaking simple rules.

To make sure you don’t get banned just follow the basics.

Make sure you have a clear disclaimer

You must make it clear that you get paid if someone clicks on your affiliate links and makes a purchase.

The disclaimer can’t be hidden in a footer.

It has to be near the links, or clearly at the top of the content.

It’s easily done with themes like Popcorn:

As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

Make sure ALL your sites are listed in your associate account settings

You have to list all the sites you have that you’re adding Amazon associate links to.

Make sure you login now and check you have all your sites listed.

You can easily find it in here:

Amazon Settings sm

and then here:

Amazon Settings 2 1

Make sure you have every site you link from in this box:

Amazon site list

There are of course loads of other ways to get banned from Amazon, but these are two rules that are easily overlooked.

Good luck with your sites!

What do you think? 🤔

Is Amazon slowly killing off affiliates?

It certainly seems that way after they recently broke everyone’s sitestripe images.

What do you think? are you still earning well with Amazon? Let me know in the comments.

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Amazon SiteStripe Images are going to stop working! (Here’s what to do) Fri, 08 Dec 2023 15:20:00 +0000

The End of SiteStripe Images

As of December 2023, Amazon affiliates face a significant change: discontinuing SiteStripe images.

This means that all those images you’ve added to your content using the Site Stripe are going to stop working!

Amazon wants you to switch them out for the API-powered images. This is a big job if you’ve got hundreds or thousands of images.

However, don’t panic! 🫨

I’ve found a couple of solutions that can streamline the entire process.

The Solutions – Automate the Process!

Lasso: A Comprehensive Tool for Affiliates

lasso sitestripe tool
Lasso SiteStripe Import Tool

Beyond Site Stripe Migration

Lasso offers more than just a solution for Site Stripe image migration.

It’s a comprehensive suite designed for affiliate marketers, encompassing analytics, innovative display options for affiliate links, and much more.

I’ll be doing a full review of Lasso really soon!

Choose any plan you like!

All Lasso plans, including the most basic ones, provide access to the Site Stripe migration tool. This ensures that every affiliate can efficiently manage the transition regardless of their plan.

Easy Migration Process

Using Lasso for Site Stripe migration is straightforward. Affiliates simply need the ASIN of the product and can easily import it into Lasso. This maintains the look of the original post while ensuring functionality post-transition.

You can also do all of the images in bulk. And don’t worry. There is a revert function if it all goes wrong (which it probably won’t 🤞)

AM Image Master: A Lightweight Alternative

AM ImageMaster Options
AM Image Master

A two-trick pony

AM Image Master is a more streamlined tool than Lasso, specifically targeting Site Stripe image embedding. It requires access to Amazon API keys, available to affiliates after making three qualifying sales.

It only really does two things, migrates SiteStripe and enables you to insert images using the API.

Cost-Effective and User-Friendly

AM Image Master offers a free version for up to 10 posts, with a lifetime deal for unlimited access priced at $47.

This tool provides a simple and budget-friendly solution for affiliates looking to address the Site Stripe image issue.

Easy to use, but no undo!

The tool integrates smoothly into WordPress, offering size options for images. While the image size might slightly differ from the original, it ensures that the images don’t break and remain visually appealing.

A backup is essential! Make sure you’ve made a backup of your website using a WordPress plugin or with your host, as there is no undo option with AM Image Master.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Site Stripe change for Amazon affiliates?

Amazon is discontinuing the use of Site Stripe images starting December 2023, which necessitates affiliates to find alternative solutions for their website images.

How does Lasso help in this transition?

Lasso offers a Site Stripe migration tool within its suite of affiliate marketing tools, allowing for an easy switch from Site Stripe images to API-based images.

Is AM Image Master suitable for all affiliates?

AM Image Master is ideal for affiliates who have access to Amazon API keys and are looking for a straightforward, no-frills solution to the Site Stripe image issue.

Can these tools be used by beginners?

Yes, both Lasso and AM Image Master are designed with user-friendly interfaces, making them accessible for beginners in affiliate marketing.

Are there costs involved in using these tools?

Lasso offers various plans with different features, including the Site Stripe tool. AM Image Master has a free version and a paid lifetime deal for unlimited use.

And that’s it! Hopefully, one of these tools will help you keep your Amazon product images online.

What do you think? 🤔

What are you using to migrate your SiteStripe images? Or maybe you’re doing it manually!

Let me know in the comments. I love to hear from you and I read every comment that I get.

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